Arrival Health Screening
Please do not come to site if you have been unwell in the last 48 hours
Introduction and safety briefing
Housekeeping, what to do in case of emergency, and what facilities are available.
Night sky orientation
A naked eye introduction to the night sky. 
Finding south, the atmosphere, the ecliptic, and key objects are pointed out using green astronomical lasers
12 inch GOTO Orion XT12G Dobsonian telescope
Our scope automatically tracks the objects you are viewing
Astronomy certified binoculars
So you can have a go yourself!
Minimum 60 minutes tour time
(weather dependant) exploring our dark skies, with the naked eye, astronomy rated binoculars and telescopes
High quality eyepieces
We have a selection of high quality eye pieces, giving you the best viewing options in any atmospheric conditions
Small groups (max 10)
No large queues for equipment means more telescope time and good social distancing and the personal touch
Hands on experience
You get to focus the equipment for your eyes while we explain what you are looking at
Your questions answered
In as simplistic or as detailed way as you wish
Fixed Date
We can't control the weather. As a result, each of our tours operates on a fixed date basis, this means your event will go ahead on the specific date of your booking even if there is cloud cover.
What will you see?
Depending on which experience you choose, during your guided tour of the night sky, you are likely to see the Milky Way, galaxies, nebulae, planets, stars, The Moon, satellites, meteors and maybe even an Aurora Australis.